Why I Am Launching My Next Startup Qwerky

I sold my first startup Uberpong last year. It was quite a ride and it gave me an excellent foundation for my future entrepreneurial pursuits. For the last year I have been exploring ideas for my next startup Qwerky. I wanted it to be much bigger than my first venture and have a team, advisory board and investors. Why? Because the only way to learn about things you don’t know anything about is to actually go out and do it yourself. Blogs and books are the theory. Being a startup Founder is the best practice.

For a while, I was set on Qwerky being a coliving community which we would launch in San Diego. I had invested my own money in a pilot house, traveled to multiple coliving communities in the US and Europe and talked at the world’s first coliving conference in San Francisco. Then after hundreds of conversations with digital nomads and people who ran coliving spaces, the true purpose for Qwerky was revealed. Although it still looked like the twin brother of Frankenstein’s monster, we realized we had to be:

1). part-educational tool (to help people learn about coliving communities and where they were located in the world).
2). part-booking engine (to allow people to stay at the coliving spaces).
3). part-social network (to connect like-minded people).
4). part-toolbox (we are going to create a suite of cool apps that will make it easier to travel and be an entrepreneur).

My co-Founder Max has been coding day and night to have an MVP ready soon. We will then be inviting a small group of Qwerkies to test out our site before we go live. The next phase will require us to get funding so that we can build exactly what our amazing community and coliving partners want. Here’s what you can do to help:

Community Members
1). Go to Qwerky.co and add your email address. We will then reach out with a beta invite.
2). Tell your friends about Qwerky. People we have attracted so far are digital nomads, startup founders, entrepreneurs and creatives.
3). Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Medium.
4). Contribute to our blog The Future of Living.
5). Write about us on your blog.
6). Use #stayqwerky 

Coliving Operators

1). Email us with an intro: hi@qwerkycoliving.com
2). Be part of our beta phase where we can list your space and allow our community to book a stay at your coliving community.
3). Tell your community about Qwerky.
4). Write about us on your blog.
5). Try out our tools when we launch them.

Follow me on my journey using the links below:

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